Thibodeaux Lab

Welcome to the Thibodeaux Lab in the Chemistry Department at McGill University. Our group investigates the structure and function of enzymes involved in natural product biosynthesis, bacterial virulence, and human health. Of special interest to us are enzymes that are conformationally dynamic and whose motions play important roles in their functions. We are an experimentally versatile group of biological chemists, who employ a variety of molecular genetic, biochemical, biophyscial, bioanalytical, and bioinformatic tools to build detailed, yet coherent pictures of the catalytic cycles of functionally complex enzyme systems. In particular, we rely heavily on state-of-art mass spectrometry to investigate all levels of protein structure, to correlate dynamic protein structure to function, and to probe the chemically complex cellular milieu of biological systems.

Please have a look at our site and contact us if you have any questions!